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Common Septic Tank Problems & How To Fix Them!

Common Septic Tank Problems & How To Fix Them!

The topic of septic tank problems might not be the easiest subject, but it is definitely important. Addressing these issues is key to avoiding messy and unpleasant situations that no one wants to deal with.

Experts in the field have encountered numerous issues and understand the importance of timely intervention when a septic system fails. Drawing from extensive experience, this guide aims to share valuable insights to help navigate these murky waters with confidence. Settle in and prepare to explore ten septic tank warning signs!

Lack of Routine Maintenance

Neglecting your septic tank's maintenance is like leaving your car without an oil change for years. It's just asking for trouble! Regular check-ups and getting your septic tank pumped are crucial for keeping your system running smoothly. The fix? Schedule an annual septic tank treatment to tackle existing issues and nourish those essential bacteria, preventing future problems from rearing their ugly heads.

Overloading the System

We've all been there – hosting a family gathering or having a bunch of friends over for a party. But did you know that sudden surges in water usage can cause septic system failure?

When too much water enters the system at once, it can flood the leach field and waterlog the soil before it has a chance to absorb it properly. This can lead to all sorts of unpleasantries, like sewage backups in your home or unsightly puddles on your lawn.

A simple application of bacteria booster can work wonders here. This innovation boosts the growth of those hardworking bacteria, allowing them to keep up with the increased demand and prevent overloads.

Group enjoying outdoor meal together

Tree Roots Gone Wild

Nature is beautiful, but it can also be a real pain for your septic tank. If you've got big trees on your property or nearby, there's a chance their roots could infiltrate your pipes or even crack the tank walls. The solution? Well, prevention is key here. If you're planning on planting new trees, make sure to keep them a safe distance from your septic system.

Tree roots exposed on hillside

Clogged Inlet or Outlet Baffles

Baffles might not be the most exciting components, but they play a big role in keeping everything flowing smoothly. They control where the liquid enters and exits the tank, making sure that solids don't sneak in or out where they're not supposed to be.

But when these baffles get clogged up with debris or household waste, everything's a mess, and you've got sewage backups or leaks on your hands.

Purge Ventures offers a product that can solve any clogs you have related to your septic systems!

Improper Installation

You never know what surprises might be lurking beneath the surface, and when it comes to septic tanks, an improper installation can be a problem.

Imagine you move into your dream home, only to discover that the previous owners (or contractors) didn't follow the proper guidelines when installing the septic system. Maybe they buried the tank too shallow, used the wrong soil in the leach field, or even installed the wrong size tank altogether. This can definitely be your issue.

Aging System

Over time, even the most well-maintained system can start showing signs of wear and tear. Know your septic tank has been working for decades, processing all sorts of unmentionable waste and verifying your household runs smoothly. How do you know when it's time to say goodbye to your septic tank? Well, keep an eye out for signs like frequent backups, persistent odors, or visible cracks in the tank itself. If you're experiencing any of these issues, it might be time to start exploring your replacement options.

Flushing Improper Items

Whether it's a handful of cotton balls, a clump of hair, or a disposable wipe, these seemingly innocent items can ruin your plumbing system.

Your septic tank is designed to handle human waste and toilet paper, not random household items. When you start introducing other materials into the mix, it's like throwing a wrench into a well-oiled machine.

Those non-biodegradable items can clog up your pipes, leading to backups and other unpleasant situations that no one wants to deal with.

Be mindful of what you're flushing. If it's not human waste or toilet paper, it doesn't belong in your septic tank. It's a small change, but it can make a big difference in keeping your system running right.

Cotton balls scattered on surface

Compacted Soil Around the Leach Field

What happens when the soil around your leach field becomes compacted? Well, it's kind of like trying to water your plants with a garden hose that has a kink in it, not much will get through.

Compacted soil can prevent proper absorption, leading to pooling water, sewage backups, and even potential environmental contamination of the septic tank drain field. You don't want to be the person responsible for that kind of mess.

The solution? First and foremost, be mindful of what you're doing around your leach field. Avoid parking vehicles or heavy equipment on or near the area, as this can contribute to soil compaction. If you suspect compaction has already occurred, it might be time to find a solution like Purge Ventures' product that fixes your clogs.

Increased Water Usage

Imagine trying to pour a gallon of water into a half-gallon jug – it's just not going to work out well. The same principle applies to your septic system. When too much water enters the tank at once, it can lead to overflows, standing water, backups, and a whole host of other issues that no one wants to deal with.

The fix? If you have a large household or frequently host guests, it might be worth considering upgrading to a larger septic tank. This will give you more capacity to handle the increased water usage without overwhelming the system.

Alternatively, you can try to spread out your water-intensive activities (like doing laundry or taking showers) over a longer period of time to avoid sudden surges.

Water running from bathtub faucet

Need Help With Your Septic Tank Issues?

If you ever find yourself in trouble with a failing septic system, remember that Purge Ventures is here for you. Our product can help your septic tank problems no matter the situation!

Open septic tank with pipes inside


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